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Table 2 Intra-cluster correlation (ICC) of serum total IgE (sIgEtot) evaluated over the 12-month study period in three strata of asthmatic patients based on sIgEtot at baseline: < 76 IU/mL (n = 10); 76–700 IU/mL (n = 20) and > 700 IU/mL (n = 11)

From: Variability in total serum IgE over 1 year in severe asthmatics


ICC (95% CI) (*)

1-ICC (95% CI)

p-value (**)

< 76 IU/mL

96 (93–98) %

4 (2–7) %


76–700 IU/mL

71 (62–82) %

29 (18–38) %

< 0.0001

> 700 IU/mL

96 (94–99) %

4 (1–6) %

  1. CI, confidence interval
  2. * Between-patient variability/(between- + within-patient variability)** likelihood ratio test comparing within-patient variabilities