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Fig. 2 | Allergy, Asthma & Clinical Immunology

Fig. 2

From: Whole blood vs PBMC: compartmental differences in gene expression profiling exemplified in asthma

Fig. 2

Detectable transcripts in whole blood and PBMC after removing lowly abundant transcripts. a Uniquely detected transcripts in whole blood versus PBMC. Intersection plots (generating using R package ‘UpSetR’ version 1.3.3) showing pathways associated with b unique whole blood transcripts and c unique PBMC transcripts. On the left are the number of uniquely detected whole blood (WB) or PBMC genes identified in each pathway. The matrix identifies gene intersections and combinations of intersections between pathways, with the top bar plot representing the number of genes within each association. Both intersection plots have been truncated to show the top 8 pathways by number of intersecting genes and a maximum of 10 between-pathway intersections

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