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Table 1 Characteristics and key findings of studies included

From: Community-based interventions for childhood asthma using comprehensive approaches: a systematic review and meta-analysis

Author (year)

Study design

Study duration

Sample size


Care provider

Ethnicity of study population

Asthma severity

Interventions components

Key findings

Naar et al. [28]


1 year


12–16 years old; mean = 13 years

Psychologists, social workers

African American

Moderate Severe

A, B, C, D

ED visits: NS; Hospitalizations: decreased by 72% in intervention group vs 48% in control; FEV1: improved by 9.8% in intervention group vs 4.5% in control; Frequency of asthma symptoms: decreased by 48% in intervention group vs 3.4% in control

Kennedy et al. [9]

Pre-post intervention

1 year


5–12 years old; mean = 7.8 years


African American = 9%; Hispanic = 83%; Others = 8%

Moderate Severe

A, B, C

Urgent visits: intervention group = 53% vs control = 74%; Hospitalizations: intervention group = 5%, control = 14%; Asthma symptom days: mean change in intervention group = -3.3 days, control = -2.28 days (p < 0.001); Short-acting medication uses: intervention group = 32%, control = 62% (p < 0.01)

Bird et al. [10]

Pre-post intervention

3 years


1–18 years old; mean = 5.3 years

Nurses, asthma educators, asthma care facilitators


Not specified

A, B, C, E

ED visits: decreased by 57% in intervention group vs NS change in control; Hospitalizations decreased by 74% in intervention group vs NS change in control; PAQLQ significantly improved in intervention group: activity limitation scores increased by 5.6 units, emotional function scores increased by 9.1 units

Clark et al. [29]

Retrospective cohort

5 years


2–18 years old


African American = 62–64%; Caucasian = 7–15%

Not specified

A, B, C, D, E, F, G

Hazard of having a ED visit, hospitalization and urgent care visit during the study period was 6%-7% higher (p < 0.01–0.02) for children in comparison group than those with intervention

Holder-Niles et al. [11]

Pre-post intervention

2 years


4–15 years old; mean = 13.4 years

Physicians, nurse practitioners, asthma educators, social workers, community resource specialists, research assistants

African American = 62%; Hispanic = 14%; Caucasian = 3%; Others = 22%

Not specified

A, B, C, D, E

ED visits: decreased by 63%; Urgent care visits: decreased by 40%; Hospitalizations: decreased by 69%

Janevic et al. [12]

Pre-post intervention

1 year


0–18 years old

Nurses, health educators, CHWs

African American = 50.4%; Hispanic = 42.1%; Caucasian = 1.7%; Others = 5.3%


A, B, C, D, E, F, G

ED visits: decreased by 63%; Hospitalizations: decreased by 69%; Symptom days: decreased by 2.2 days/month; Symptom nights decreased by 1.9 nights/month

Kercsmar et al. [13]

Pre-post intervention

6 years


2–17 years old

Physicians, social workers, respiratory therapists, nurses, care coordinators, pharmacists


Not specified

A, B, C, D, E, G

ED visits: decreased by 42.4%; Hospitalizations: decreased by 41.8%

Lara et al. [14]

Pre-post intervention

1 year


Mean age = 5 years

CHWs, community nurses, physicians, environmental counsellors


Moderate Severe

A, B, C

ED visits: decreased by 45%; Hospitalizations: decreased by 62%; Symptom days: decreased by 72%; Symptom nights: decreased by 68%; Asthma symptom scores: decreased by 38%; Short-acting medication uses: decreased by 76%

Lob et al. [15]

Pre-post intervention

2 years


0–18 years old; mean = 7.4 years

Health educators, CHWs, medical assistants, respiratory therapists

African American = 11%; Hispanic = 77%; Caucasian = 6%; Others = 6%


A, B, C, D, E, F, G

ED visits: decreased by 68%; Hospitalizations: decreased by 69%; Symptom days: decreased by 73%; Symptom nights: decreased by73%; Night-time symptoms decreased by 67%; Short-acting medications uses decreased by 67%; School absenteeism: decreased by 53%; work absenteeism decreased by 55%

Mansfield et al. [16]

Pre-post intervention

1 year


0.6–19 years old; mean = 8 years

Nurses, health educators, CHWs

African American = 50%; Hispanic/others = 37%; Caucasian = 13%



A, B, C, D, E, F, G

ED visits: decreased by 51%; Hospitalizations decreased by 55%; Symptom days: decreased by 56%; Symptom nights: decreased by 55%; Days with rescue med use decreased by 1.91 days; School absenteeism: decreased by 57%

Rapp et al. [17]

Pre-post intervention

1 year


2–18 years old; mean = 5 years

Asthma educators, CHWs

African American = 88%; Caucasian = 7%

Not specified

A, B, C, D, E, F, G

ED visits: decreased by 46%; Hospitalizations: NS; Short-acting medication uses: NS; Asthma symptoms: improved significantly

Woods et al. [18]

Pre-post intervention

1 year


2–18 years old; mean = 7.9 years


African American = 40%; Hispanic = 52%

Not specified

A, B, C, E, F, G

ED visits: decreased by 68%; Hospitalizations: decreased by 84.8%; Activity limitation days: decreased by 56%; School absenteeism: decreased by 41%; Work absenteeism: decreased by 49.7%

Dor et al. [19]

Pre-post intervention

1 year


5–12 years old



Not specified

A, B, C

Urgent care visits: mean change = -0.405 visits (p < 0.001); Hospitalizations: mean change = -0.305 (p < 0.001); Symptom-free days: mean change = 6.319(p < 0.001); Probability of being short-acting asthma medication user decreased by 19.1%; Probability of being long acting asthma medication user increased by 30%; School absenteeism: mean changes = -0.973 days (p < 0.001)

Findley et al. [20]

Pre-post intervention

1 year


0–18 years old

Nurses, health educators, CHWs

African American & Hispanic

Not specified

A, B, C, D, E, F, G

ED visits: decreased by 49%; Hospitalizations: decreased by 45%; School absenteeism: decreased by 83%; 81% obtained AAP from health professional post-intervention; 73% reporting daily controller use post-intervention

Fisher et al. [21]

Pre-post intervention

1 year


5–14 years old; mean = 9.5 years


African American

Not specified

A, B, C, D, E, F, G

Acute care visits: NS; Index of Asthma Attitudes: NS; Asthma management index: NS

Fox et al. [22]

Pre-post intervention

2 years


5–18 years old; mean = 10.1 years

CHWs, physicians, nurse practitioners, nurses

African American = 14.3%; Caucasian = 2.2%; Hispanic = 81.7%; others = 1.7%

Moderate Severe

A, B, C, D, E, F, G

ED visits: decreased by 68%; Acute care visits: decreased by 64%; Hospitalizations: decreased by 80%; Symptom days: decreased by 69%; Symptom nights: decreased by 83%; Short-acting medication uses: decreased by 72%

Britto et al. [23]

Pre-post intervention

4 years


Teenagers (age range unspecified)

Nurses, nurse practitioners

African American

Moderate Severe

A, C, F, G

ED visits: NS; Hospitalizations: NS; ACT score: proportion of patients with ACT score 25 increased from 10 to 30%

Portnoy et al. [24]

Pre-post intervention

1 year


5–12 years old

Social workers

African American = 70%; Caucasian = 12%; Hispanic = 12%; Others = 4%

Moderate Severe

A, B, C, D, F

ED visits: NS; Hospitalizations: NS; AAP uses: increased by 34%; Controller medication uses: increased by 12%

Thyne et al. [25]

Pre-post intervention

2 years


0–18 years old; mean = 7.3 years

CHWs, physicians, nurse practitioners

African American = 43%; Hispanic = 43%; Asian = 11%; Others = 3%

Not specified

A, B, C, E, F, G

Symptom days: decreased by 45%; Symptom nights: decreased by 46%; Activity limitation days: decreased by 39%; FEV1: NS; Controller medication uses: increased by 127%; AAP uses: increased from < 1% to 100% (p < 0.001)

Turky et al. [26]

Pre-post intervention

1 year


0–17 years old

Community health educators

African American

Not specified

A, B, C, D, E, F, G

ED visits: decreased by 49%; Urgent care visits decreased by 58%; Hospitalizations: decreased by 71%; School absenteeism: decreased by 70%; Work absenteeism: decreased by 64%

Krieger et al. [27]

Randomized controlled trial

1 year


4–12 years old; mean = 7.4 years


African American = 31.9%; Hispanic = 17.4%; Caucasian = 12.3%; Vietnamese = 25.4%; Asian = 9.4%; Others = 3.6%

Not specified

A, B, C, F, G

Urgent visits: decreased by 15%; Symptom days: decreased by 4.7 days; School absenteeism: NS; Work absenteeism: NS; Short-acting medication uses: NS

  1. A = Asthma & self-management education; B = Home environmental assessment; C = Care coordination; D = School involvement; E = Primary provider involvement; F = community awareness; G = Government/organization involvement
  2. AAP Asthma action plan, FEV1 Forced expiratory volume in one second, ACT Asthma Control Test score, PAQLQ Pediatric Asthma Quality of Life Questionnaire, ED Emergency Department, NS Not significant