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Table 4 A and B Numbers and proportions of patients with controlled and uncontrolled asthma in each comorbidity

From: Epidemiology of comorbidities and their association with asthma control





 Cardiovascular diseases

Not present (n = 7160)

5084 (71%)

2076 (29%)

Present (n = 5583)

3236 (58%)

2347 (42%)

 Seasonal rhinitis

Not present (n = 10,957)

7331 (67%)

3626 (33%)

Present (n = 1786)

989 (55%)

797 (45%)

 Perennial rhinitis

Not present (n = 4226)

2766 (65%)

1460 (35%)

Present (n = 8517)

5554 (65%)

2963 (35%)


Not present (n = 10,180)

6847 (67%)

3333 (33%)

Present (n = 2563)

1473 (57%)

1090 (43%)


Not present (n = 11,741)

7869 (67%)

3872 (33%)

Present (n = 1002)

451 (45%)

551 (55%)

 Ischaemic heart disease

Not present (n = 11,493)

7704 (67%)

3789 (33%)

Present (n = 1250)

616 (49%)

634 (51%)


Not present (n = 7517)

5285 (70%)

2232 (30%)

Present (n = 5226)

3035 (58%)

2191 (42%)


Not present (n = 12,533)

8211 (66%)

4322 (34%)

Present (n = 210)

109 (52%)

101 (48%)

 Atrial fibrillation

Not present (n = 12,583)

8233 (65%)

4350 (35%)

Present (n = 160)

87 (54%)

73 (46%)


 Other arrhythmias

Not present (n = 12,119)

7999 (66%)

4120 (34%)

Present (n = 624)

321 (51%)

303 (49%)

 Other CV

Not present (n = 12,528)

8215 (66%)

4313 (34%)

Present (n = 215)

105 (49%)

110 (51%)

 Cerebrov. events

Not present (n = 12,432)

8171 (66%)

4261 (34%)

Present (n = 311)

149 (48%)

162 (52%)


Not present (n = 11,662)

7715 (66%)

3947 (34%)

Present (n = 1081)

605 (56%)

476 (44%)

 Impaired fasting glucose

Not present (n = 11,685)

7765 (66%)

3920 (34%)

Present (n = 1058)

555 (52%)

503 (48%)

 Diabetes mellitus

Not present (n = 11,614)

7726 (67%)

3888 (33%)

Present (n = 1129)

594 (53%)

535 (47%)

 Prostate hyperplasia

Not present (n = 12,437)

8131 (65%)

4306 (35%)

Present (n = 306)

189 (62%)

117 (38%)


Not present (n = 12,516)

8196 (65%)

4320 (35%)

Present (n = 227)

124 (55%)

103 (45%)


Not present (n = 11,423)

7607 (67%)

3816 (33%)

Present (n = 1320)

713 (54%)

607 (46%)

  1. AMI acute myocardial infarction, Cerebrov. cerebrovascular events, COPD chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, CV cardiovascular, GERD gastroesophageal reflux disease