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Table 1 Effective epinephrine delivery per kilogram body weight by available auto-injector dose in children and adults

From: International recommendations on epinephrine auto-injector doses often differ from standard weight-based guidance: a review and clinical proposals

  1. Colour code: Numbers in red denote doses higher than the “recommended dose” 0.01 mg/kg body weight, green color indicates “the recommended dose”, 0.01 mg/kg body weight, and black color doses lower than the “recommended” dose. Yellow areas indicate that the dose can only be prescribed in some countries, leading to (probably) under-medication
  2. mg milligram, kg kilogram, mL millilitre
  3. *Available only in the USA
  4. **Available only in Europe and Canada
  5. ***IM Epinephrine administered in hospital or office typically does not exceed 0.5 mg per administration
  6. ****Preferably the stock solution for IV injection, 0.1 mg/mL, 1.5 mL to 0.3 mL