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Table 4 Comparison of doses used in humans compared to LD50 when tested in a mouse model

From: International recommendations on epinephrine auto-injector doses often differ from standard weight-based guidance: a review and clinical proposals

  1. Colour code: numbers in red denote doses higher than the “recommended dose” 0.01 mg/kg body weight, green color indicates “the recommended dose”, 0.01 mg/kg body weight, and black color doses lower than the “recommended” dose. Yellow areas indicate that the dose can only be prescribed in some countries, leading to (probably) under-medication
  2. LD50 in mice was 3.3 mg per kg body weight (confidence intervals 2.1–4.6 mg/kg body weight) [20]. Two different doses are given for each weight. (1) The 0.1 mg dose is only available in the US. (2) The 0.5 mg dose is available in some European countries (Germany, UK, Ireland, The Netherlands, France, Spain, Italy, Czech Republic, Finland, Denmark, Sweden, Norway) and Canada
  3. mg milligrams, kg kilograms