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Table 5 Impact of double sensitization on the outcome of treatment

From: Single venom-based immunotherapy effectively protects patients with double positive tests to honey bee and Vespula venom


Mono sensitized patients

Double sensitized patients

Total cohort





Tolerated field sting

156 (94.0%)

212 (92.2%)

73 (89.0%)

368 (92.9%)


10 (6.0%)

18 (7.8%)1

9 (11.0%)2

28 (7.1%)


166 (100%)

230 (100%)

82 (100%)

396 (100%)

  1. *Subgroup of double sensitized patients comprising individuals with equal reactivity to both venoms in diagnostic tests.
  2. 1P = 0.56 (P-values result from statistical comparison of the risk of relapse in mono sensitized and double sensitized patients).
  3. 2P = 0.15.