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Table 3 The rate of desensitization and 2-weeks-sustained unresponsiveness for cow’s milk allergy in the oral immunotherapy group and the untreated group

From: Two-weeks-sustained unresponsiveness by oral immunotherapy using microwave heated cow’s milk for children with cow’s milk allergy


OIT (N = 31)

Untreated group (N = 17)


Two-weeks-sustained unresponsiveness

Pass OFC

At 1-year follow-up

14/31 (45%)*, #

7/31 (21%)**, ##

0/17 (0%)*, **,a

At 2-year follow-up

18/30 (60%)#

14/30 (47%)##


At 3-year follow-up

21/30 (70%)

16/30 (53%)


At 4-year follow-up

17/20 (85%)

14/20 (70%)

  1. OIT oral immunotherapy, OFC open food challenge
  2. *P = 0.002 by Fisher’s exact test
  3. **P = 0.036 by Fisher’s exact test
  4. # P = 0.025 by Wilcoxon signed rank test
  5. ## P = 0.008 by Wilcoxon signed rank test
  6. aPatients in untreated groups continued complete elimination of cow’s milk and a year later were performed open food challenge using fresh cow’s milk was performed