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Table 1 Diagnostic criteria for acute FPIES

From: A case report of acute food protein-induced enterocolitis syndrome to walnut

Major criterion:

Minor criteria:

Repetitive emesis 1–4 h after consuming the suspected food, in the absence of classic IgE-mediated allergic skin or respiratory symptoms.

1. Repeated episodes of repetitive emesis after eating the same suspected food.


2. Repetitive emesis 1–4 h after consuming a different food.


3. Extreme lethargy.


4. Pallor.


5. Need for emergency department visit.


6. Need for intravenous fluid support.


7. Diarrhea within 24 h.


8. Hypotension.


9. Hypothermia.

To diagnose FPIES, patients must meet the major criterion and ≥ 3 minor criteria.