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Table 6 ASA Maintenance therapy, need for resensitization, and sinus surgery during therapy

From: A retrospective study of the clinical benefit from acetylsalicylic acid desensitization in patients with nasal polyposis and asthma

ASA maintenance

Dose (mg)*

BID (n, %)

TID (n, %)


37/80 (46.3%)

6/80 (7.5%)


37/80 (46.3.)

0/80 (0.0%)

Patients resensitized (n, %)**

30/111 (27.0%)


Sinus surgery during desensitization

1 st year (n, %)

2 nd year (n, %)

3 rd year (n, %)

15/111 (13.5%)

5/80 (6.3%)

6/80 (7.5%)