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Table 1 Plasma concentration of VEGF and its receptors in patients with PAR and healthy subjects

From: Evaluation of circulating vascular endothelial growth factor and its soluble receptors in patients suffering from persistent allergic rhinitis

Parameters (units)

PAR (n = 16) median (IQR)

Healthy subjects (n = 35) median (IQR)


VEGF (pg/ml)

21.3 (0.0–35.8)

17.2 (0.0–48.8)

p > 0.05

sVEGF-R1 (pg/ml)

40.8 (26.4–70.2)

35.8 (21.7–60.3)

p > 0.05

sVEGF-R2 (pg/ml)

7247.5 (4780–14,960)

7470 (3740–12,765)

p > 0.05

  1. n number; PAR persistent allergic rhinitis; IQR interquartile range