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Table 3 The prevalence of self-reported symptoms due to adverse food reactions

From: Self-reported questionnaire survey on the prevalence and symptoms of adverse food reactions in patients with chronic inhalant diseases in Tangshan city, China


Subjects N (%)

Skin issues, e.g. hives, eczema etc.

90 (51.4)

Face/mouth swelling or itch

70 (40.0)

Throat tightness or discomfort

58 (33.1)

Chest tightness or wheezing

31 (17.7)

Gastrointestinal discomfort or vomiting

24 (13.7)

Nasal sections or congestion

11 (6.6)

Eye itching or watering

4 (2.3)

Drowsiness or dizziness

2 (1.1)


2 (1.1)