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Table 2 Detailed summary of approved sublingual immunotherapy options available in Canada

From: Towards definitive management of allergic rhinitis: best use of new and established therapies

Product Name




Pregnant/Nursing Women



Adverse Drug Reactions


Cocksfoot (Dactylis glomerata)

Sweet vernal grass (Anthoxanthum odoratum)

Rye grass (Lolium perenne)

Meadow grass (Poa pratensis)

Timothy grass (Phleum pratense)

Moderate to severe seasonal grass pollen AR suffered for at least two pollen seasons

Between 5–50 years old

Positive skin prick test and positive specific IgE titre to Poaceae grass pollen

Unresponsive to conventional pharmacotherapies

Extreme sensitivity to the allergen based on prior anaphylactic experience under exposure


ACE inhibitors

Severe/unstable asthma (FEV1 < 70%)

Severe immune deficiency or autoimmune disease

Malignant diseases (cancers)

Oral inflammation

Should be used only if the potential benefit justifies the potential risk to the fetus and mother

100 IR*

300 IR*

Three-day escalation phase (Day 1: 1 × 100 IR; Day 2: 2 × 100 IR) followed by maintenance phase consisting of 1 × 300 IR until the end of treatment

Treatment should be initiated 4 months before the onset of the pollen season and maintained throughout the season

For adult patients (18–50 years old): discontinue if no improvement is seen after three seasons

Itching and swelling localized to the mouth and throat


Timothy grass (Phleum pratense)

Moderate to severe seasonal Timothy and related grass pollen induced AR

Between 5–65 years old

Clinically relevant symptoms for at least two pollen seasons

Positive skin prick test and/or positive specific IgE titre to Phleum pratense

Unresponsive to conventional pharmacotherapy

Hypersensitive to any non-medicinal ingredients

Previously had severe systemic reaction to Timothy or related grass immunotherapy

Unstable/severe chronic asthma (FEV1 < 70% after pharmacologic treatment; < 80% in children)


Active inflammatory conditions in the oral cavity

Treatment should not be initiated in pregnant women

No clinical data are available for use during lactation

2800 BAU**

Treatment can be initiated at any time during the year but should be at least 8 weeks before the grass pollen season and maintain throughout the season

First dose should be administered under the supervision of an experienced physician with a 30-min observation period

One 2800 BAU tablet daily

Throat irritation


Short Ragweed (Ambrosia artemisiifolia)

18 to 65 years old

Clinically relevant symptoms for at least two pollen seasons

Positive skin prick test and/or positive specific IgE titre to Ambrosia artemisiifolia

Unresponsive to conventional pharmacotherapy

Unstable/severe chronic asthma (FEV1 < 70% after pharmacologic treatment)

Previous reaction to ragweed allergy shots, tablets, or drops


Active inflammatory conditions in the oral cavity

Allergic to the non-medicinal ingredients

Treatment should not be initiated in pregnant women

No clinical data are available for use during lactation

12 Amb a 1-U

Treatment should be initiated at least 8 weeks before the grass pollen season and maintain throughout the season

First dose should be administered under the supervision of an experienced physician with a 30-min observation period

One 12 Amb a 1-U tablet daily

Throat irritation

Itching of the mouth, ears, and eyes

Swelling or numbness of the mouth


House Dust Mites (D. farinae and D. pteronyssinus)

18 to 65 years old

Moderate to severe house dust mite-induced allergic rhinitis

Positive skin prick test and/or positive specific IgE titre to D. farinae or D. pteronyssinus Unresponsive to conventional pharmacotherapy

Severe/unstable asthma

Previous reaction to house dust mite allergy shot, tablets, or drops


Swelling or sores in mouth

Mouth injury or surgery

If diagnosed with eosinophilic esophagitis

Allergic to the non-medicinal ingredients

Treatment should not be initiated in pregnant women

No clinical data are available for use during lactation


Treatment can be initiated at any time during the year

First dose should only be taken in the doctor’s office, followed by a 30-min monitoring period

One 12 SQ-HDM tablet daily

Throat irritation

Itching, burning, or tingling of the mouth

Swelling of the lips or tongue

  1. * Index of reactivity
  2. ** Bioequivalent allergy units