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Table 1 Demographic and clinical characteristics of the subjects

From: Relationship between Th17-mediated immunity and airway inflammation in childhood neutrophilic asthma


HC (n =10)

PGA (n =6)

EA (n =12)

NA (n =10)

Age (years)

10.40 ± 2.42

9.08 ± 1.74

9.54 ± 2.01

9.70 ± 2.50

Gender (male: female)





FEV1 (% of predicted)

87.72 ± 5.32

84.90 ± 13.23

85.70 ± 12.74

68.81 ± 9.99**

PEF(% of predicted)

92.56 ± 6.28

86.73 ± 14.22

88.37 ± 11.51

70.56 ± 9.48**

Sputum neutrophils (% of total inflammatory cells)

32.57 ± 6.74

38.45 ± 9.35

40.28 ± 6.97

69.57 ± 6.80**

Sputum eosinophils (% of total inflammatory cells)

1.31 ± 0.59

1.66 ± 0.32

3.06 ± 0.40#

1.76 ± 0.19

  1. Data are expressed as mean and SD
  2. EA eosinophilic asthma, FEV1 forced expiratory volume in 1 s, HC healthy controls, NA neutrophilic asthma, PEF peak expiratory flow, PGA paucigranulocytic asthma
  3. ** p < 0.01 versus PGA, EA and HC. # p < 0.01 versus PGA, NA and HC