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Table 1 Overview of candidate components from primary care electronic health records

From: Development of a primary care screening algorithm for the early detection of patients at risk of primary antibody deficiency

Type of electronic health record data


ICPC codes

Diagnostic codes related to presenting signs and symptoms of PAD

For exclusion criteria: diagnostic codes related to causes of secondary antibody deficiencies

ATC codes

Antibiotic prescriptions for the treatment of respiratory tract or parasitic infections

Laboratory results

IgA, IgM, IgG (total and subclasses), calculated globulin

Number of visits

Number of physical or telephone appointments with the general practitioner

Number of requests for additional tests

Number of requests for CRP, leukocytes and lung function tests

  1. Overview of candidate components for the algorithm as extracted from structured primary care EHR data
  2. ATC Anatomical Therapeutic Chemical, CRP C-reactive protein, EHR electronic health record, ICPC International Classification of Primary Care, Ig immunoglobulin, PAD primary antibody deficiencies